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How long does it take for Amazon PPC to work?

Aug 11

Amazon PPC – or pay-per-click advertising – is the most popular way to advertise on Amazon. It’s effective, relatively inexpensive, and easy to get started with. However, many sellers who have tried Amazon PPC are confused about how long it takes for their ad campaigns to work. The short answer? As fast as possible. But what does this mean in terms of days or weeks? And what can you do if your campaign isn't showing results right away?

We'll break down what you need to know about how long it takes for Amazon PPC ads to work so that you can get started with your first campaign today!

How long it takes Amazon PPC to work is a moving target.

The effectiveness of your ads is based on a lot of factors, which means the answer to this question is not always straightforward.

For example, according to the Amazon PPC team,

“The conversion rate for your product will depend on how competitive your search term is and how well you've optimized your product listing.”

Here are some other things that could impact how long it takes for an Amazon PPC campaign to work:

Keyword choice: The more specific you get with keywords like "purple shirt" and "polyester shirt," the less competition there will be in terms of competing ads—and therefore the lower price point your ad will appear at.

Seasonality: If it's currently wintertime but all year-round sellers are still advertising through summertime campaigns, chances are those ads won't convert well because people aren't searching for summer items right now! But once fall rolls around again next year, look out!

Take help from an expert amazon ppc agency if you want to ace overall!

It can take days to weeks to get sales, depending on your budget and the season.

You need to be patient. The more you spend on Amazon PPC services, the faster you'll see results. It may take weeks or even months for your ads to become profitable.

You can get an idea of how long it will take by looking at historical data from other sellers in similar categories and seeing how long they had to wait before turning a profit. This is an important step because the amount of time that passes between when someone clicks on your ad and when they buy your product will have a huge impact on how much money you earn from that click -- it's called "conversion rate."

Each time you run a campaign, you'll get data to improve future campaigns. In addition to looking at your costs and conversions for each campaign, you can analyze the data from all of your campaigns together. This allows you to understand your customer better by seeing how they respond to different ad copy or keywords. You can also see if there are any trends between the periods when ads worked well versus when they didn't—for example, if you see that people who click on an ad during a certain day tend not to buy until a few days later, this may mean that they're looking at the product in their cart before purchasing (which is good!).

This type of analysis will help improve future campaigns by providing insight into what customers respond best too and whether different types of customers prefer different kinds of advertising.

How to speed up the process?

You can speed up the process by making some adjustments along the way.

Adjust keywords, bids and ad copy.

You need to keep an eye on your keyword list and make sure you're targeting relevant search terms. If you've chosen a bunch of broad keywords that don't target any one person or product, they won't convert as well as they could. It's also important to make sure you're setting up your bids based on what Amazon considers "good" for each keyword—you don't want to be paying more than other sellers in your space because then Amazon will start thinking you're not profitable and thus remove all ads from the page (which is called demonetization).

Target right customers

Make sure you're targeting the right customers with high intent phrases like “buy now” or “how much does this cost?” instead of “information only." While more informational searches are helpful for long-term SEO purposes, if someone is looking for information about a product specifically because they want it then this is usually considered high intent behavior—and means they'll likely buy soon!

Create relevancy

Make sure your products are relevant both search term wise as well as content wise; if someone searches for "running shoes" but then clicks through on an ad for hiking boots then chances are good that their intent wasn't exactly what we thought it was going into things (and could lead to low click-through rates). In addition: make sure that both text descriptions and images have been optimized so that users know exactly what they're getting before making a purchase decision!

So how much time will it take?

Amazon PPC takes time to work, but it can be efficient and effective if you put in the work. There are a lot of people who think that Amazon PPC will work right away and they don't have to do anything else. That's just not the case. It takes time, effort, and patience to get results with Amazon PPC. You need to be willing to test and adjust your campaigns regularly if you want them to work efficiently and effectively over time.

It's a good idea for new advertisers (and experienced ones) to keep this in mind when they're first starting out: Amazon PPC isn't a magic bullet; it's a learning experience!

The short answer is as fast as possible. The short answer is as fast as possible. There are a few factors that determine how long it takes for Amazon PPC to work, and they include:

  • Your budget
  • The season that you're running PPC in

If your budget is big enough and if it's a busy time of year, then there is no reason why your ad should not be getting impressions and clicks within the first few days. However, if your budget is small or you're targeting off-peak periods like Christmas time (when many buyers have already bought their gifts), then it could take weeks before your ads start making sales.


So, there you have it. Amazon PPC takes time to work. But if you’re willing to be patient and keep testing different ad sets for the right keywords, it can be a lucrative source of new customers.